I use the Unreeling session in almost all of my sessions. It includes the principles of forgiveness and getting rid of the lies and accepting the truth about yourself and your situations. These principles release a person from situations and from the person or situation that has caused them so much pain. The word Unreeling is in reference to a very old movie projector reel. Meaning the ability to Unreel the lies and reel in the truth.

I interweave Unreeling in my UnBroken, Brainpotting, Courts and Life Coaching sessions. It is the foundation to long and lasting freedom. It is a necessary tool to use in each of my sessions.

So, if you feel you believe lies about yourself or if you are holding on to unforgiveness then any of the sessions I do will help you to your freedom. If you want to give back to the person who has caused you pain what belongs to them them, my sessions will help you. You only need to keep what belongs to you. The lies you believe about yourself and your unforgiveness doesn’t belong to you either.

If this sounds true to you then get in contact with me at [email protected] or call 330-953-3993. I would be glad to help you.



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