My Life coaching session is used for several reasons:
- A client may not know where their life got off track and my Life Coaching session is where we discover and find solutions as to how to get back on track. Many times, a client needs to do other sessions first before this life coaching session is beneficial.
- Sometimes a relationship has caused a disruption in the forward movement of a client’s ability to live their life. Maybe trauma events have happened. If so, doing the UnBroken session first will be more effective first before a life coaching session is helpful.
- Maybe a person believes a lie about themself and needs to get to the truth. This can be done in a life coaching session.
- An abuse can keep a client frozen or in anger in their life. This would be another trauma event. UnBroken should be done first before a Life Coaching session will help.
- I also use a Life Coaching session after an UnBroken session(s) to bring a firm foundation to a client’s heart after they have lived in such brokenness for so long. This helps a client to live their life whole instead of broken.
There are so many ways to use this session. So, if this sounds like a session for you, please get in contact with me at [email protected] Or call 330-953-3993. Can’t wait to meet you.