The overall theme of healing I lead my clients through is called Body, Soul and Presence. Every session I do during the healing process has to do with the body, soul and spirit (or essence). I want my client’s whole being healed.
In addition to all the other sessions I do I also want to present the name of my new session and it is called Spirit Refresh. Most but not all of my sessions have to do with the body and the soul. The Spirit Refresh session has everything to do with a person’s spirit.
This session is about aligning my client’s body, soul and spirit correctly. Our spirit affects our soul and body. Our soul affects our body. All three are incredibly entwined (of course) because they all live together inside the outer shell of our body.
In this session I help my client look at who their body, soul and spirits are and how these three portions influence their life. Their body, soul and spirit need to be alive and well to influence the choices they make and the life they choose. To do that each portion needs to be aligned correctly and in the right order.
Did you know it is your spirit that should lead you to your career, spouse, children, and to your distant, close and very close relationships? But if your spirit is wounded, just as your soul and body can be wounded, there is mega trouble. I can help you heal this trouble.
When your spirit heals along with your soul and body, life is more fulfilling. Come in and experience this session and align. Call today.