This blog article is very similar but the opposite to the last blog article. Grace for your situation and revelation or insight are still the answers. The difference is when someone is emotionally turned off, they usually have given up and don’t try because they think it won’t produce a different result.
Being turned off has symptoms of depression – like not wanting to get out of bed, being lethargic, and giving up. It still requires healing of the past and sometimes the future to remain in the present. But it shouldn’t stop you from living your life.
It takes all of a person’s body, soul and spirit to face life. When all of a person is healed and present – then grace, revelation and insight present themselves. When a person’s soul and spirit are wounded then only a portion of a person is present to face the overwhelming issue(s) they are facing. The body also feels all of the woundedness and reacts with depression as well.
Healing is essential. Call today. Get help so you can live your life.