My name is Laurie and I am the CEO of Attach For Life. I have been a certified Life Coach for eight years and in addition I am now a certified Brainspotting Practitioner. I also have taken advanced classes including a class in Expansion Brainspotting. Brainspotting is a simpler form of EMDR. If you don’t know what EMDR is you can find information on google. Brainspotting is about finding a trauma capsule in your body and releasing it.

Did you know that when a person experiences trauma they look at a specific spot in their vision field? A Brainspotting Practitioner is trained to help find and release this trauma spot out of your body.

How do you know if you have a trauma spot/capsule? Do you have a situation, relationship or issue that happens over and over and you feel stuck, frozen, want to flee, want to fight or you feel like you’re a deer in headlights? These are all clues to a trauma capsule which needs to be released out of your body. Brainspotting is the avenue of release.

My clients come into my sessions with a situation they have been dealing with and when they leave, they have a new perspective to the situation that allow them to walk in peace. Many times, they are released from the behavior or possibly the lie that has kept them trapped or in a repetitive cycle. It gives me such delight to see the freedom produced by Brainspotting.

If any of what I am saying rings true with you and you want help then give me a call at 330.953.3993. I can do Brainspotting sessions in my office or by zoom. My office is at 845 Woodfield Ct. Boardman, Ohio 44512. My web site is  My email is [email protected] Call in for a session today.

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