UnBroken is one of the sessions I do. I call it UnBroken because it entails helping a client in putting their broken emotional heart back together as it was previously. Many other therapists use the word parts. It is in reference to the broken pieces of a person’s heart that have broken off because of trauma events in their life.
In my sessions I don’t believe the client has to re-live the events that have caused their emotional heart to break. Sometimes it is necessary but more times than not it isn’t necessary. Of course, my clients and I do what will benefit the client and bring the most lasting healing results as possible.
So, in the UnBroken process the goal is to address parts that are struggling, fearful, angry, and controlling, etc. There are so many descriptions of parts it would take multiple pages in this blog post to list. For both our sakes I won’t list them.
When a client comes in who needs an UnBroken session, we usually discuss the events in general terms that have brought them in for their UnBroken session. Then we start the process of putting the heart back together. For some clients it is a fast process. For others it takes several sessions. It all depend on how much damage their emotional heart has had to endure.
There have been times that a person has healed some and they contently live their life for a while. Then they discover they have more parts and need help healing those parts as well. This is normal and their brain knows when to come in again. We just heal those parts and the client moves on with their life.
If this sounds like you, please call in at 330-953-3993 or email me at [email protected] We’ll start the gentle process of putting your emotionally broken heart back together. Contact Attach For Life today to schedule a session. Check out my web site as well at Attachforlife.com