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Can you reason a situation to its end result?
I know we don’t have the capability of knowing the end of a situation. But did your parents do card games with you that were sequencing based and the cards told a sequence of events that accomplished a task? Some adopted and foster children have a disorder...
Trauma From Being Gossiped About:
There are two levels to gossip: Gossip – a person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts. Triangulation - This term is typically used to describe the actions of an emotionally unstable individual who intentionally creates drama or confusion between...
Trauma From No Being Seen, Heard, Matter, or Believed:
I have had many clients who say they don’t feel they are seen, heard, matter or believed by the people in their life. They say they feel insignificant, don’t have a voice, minimalized, or invisible. They want to have a voice so their opinion will be recognized as a...
Trauma From Someone Doing the Opposite of What They Should Have:
When someone in your life is doing what you know will cause chaos or havoc in their life or yours, you are probably cringing inside. Usually when someone is doing the opposite or is being rebellious it causes consequences for the rebellious person and chaos for...
Trauma Because of a Fire Event:
A fire is considered one of the top stressful events a person can experience. It is right up there with getting a divorce, living with your in-laws or a friend, a death or building a house. It is common that a fire can induce a stress levels overwhelming the...
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