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Can you reason a situation to its end result?

  I know we don’t have the capability of knowing the end of a situation. But did your parents do card games with you that were sequencing based and the cards told a sequence of events that accomplished a task? Some adopted and foster children have a disorder...

Trauma From Being Gossiped About:

There are two levels to gossip: Gossip – a person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts. Triangulation - This term is typically used to describe the actions of an emotionally unstable individual who intentionally creates drama or confusion between...

Trauma From No Being Seen, Heard, Matter, or Believed:

I have had many clients who say they don’t feel they are seen, heard, matter or believed by the people in their life. They say they feel insignificant, don’t have a voice, minimalized, or invisible. They want to have a voice so their opinion will be recognized as a...

Trauma Because of a Fire Event:

      A fire is considered one of the top stressful events a person can experience. It is right up there with getting a divorce, living with your in-laws or a friend, a death or building a house. It is common that a fire can induce a stress levels overwhelming the...

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