Our Blog

Do You Remember Your Childhood?

   I have had several clients who don’t remember their childhood or portions of their childhood. It is the result of keeping their experiences and memories buried deep. Others have started to have dreams when their memory begins to surface. Many times, dreams are...

What is an UnBroken Session?

      UnBroken is one of the sessions I do. I call it UnBroken because it entails helping a client in putting their broken emotional heart back together as it was previously. Many other therapists use the word parts. It is in reference to the broken pieces of a...

Attach For Life Sessions

In this blog post I am introducing you to the sessions I do either in my office or by zoom. For a zoom session I send an email with a zoom invite. In another email I send an invoice. I have several types of sessions that I do depending on the issue of the client. I...

What is a Certified Brainspotting Practitioner?

My name is Laurie and I am the CEO of Attach For Life. I have been a certified Life Coach for eight years and in addition I am now a certified Brainspotting Practitioner. I also have taken advanced classes including a class in Expansion Brainspotting. Brainspotting is...

    Attach For Life Direction Shift

  I am excited to write this blog entry because of the meaning behind the direction shift of Attach For Life (AFL). AFL will always work with traumatized people in general. The specific direction shift for AFL that I am talking about is ONLY working with adoptive...

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