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Do You Feel Safe?

When my clients first come in for a session I have them fill out a sheet with different negative cognitive phrases. I ask them if they agree with the phrase and to what degree. One phrase is “do you feel safe.” Some clients say they don’t feel safe and some continue...

Adoption RAD and Dividing What is Yours or Theirs:

Intro: Today I am going to talk about learning to divide what belongs to who. Then everyone can be responsible for themselves. This helps bring the stress level down in the middle of conflicts. Parents – What Belongs to You? Repeatedly I have said to adoptive parents...

You Can Heal From the Rejection of Your Adopted Child’s RAD

You Can Heal From the Rejection of Your Adopted Child’s RAD

Healing From the Rejection of Your Child’s RAD In my last post, I began to explain the healing I went through in processing the results of my adopted daughters RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder) behaviors. I expressed that I ran to Father God and found an...

Standing In Proxy for Your RAD Adopted Child?

Standing In Proxy for Your RAD Adopted Child?

Proxy and Your RAD Adopted Child:  Intro: This blog is for the adoptive parents experiencing difficulties in your relationship with your RAD adopted child. RAD means Reactive Attachment Disorder. I have written about it in many previous posts. Please take some time...

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