Our Blog
Do you feel you can emotionally bond to others?
Emotionally bonding to others is usually based on the attachment style you developed as a child. To find out more on attachment styles google the topic “four attachment styles.” There is a test on line you can take to help you discover your attachment style Something...
Do you struggle with insecurity?
Do you feel insecure in situations or in general? It may be the results of the attachment style you learned growing up. There are 4 kinds of attachment styles. They are secure, ambivalent/anxious, avoidant/dismissive and disorganized. You can google them to see which...
Are there personal attributes about yourself you’ve lost and want back?
If you have lost some attributes or character qualities and you want them back there is a reason they are lost. Sometimes things happen in life which are traumatic, hard or emotional. In this traumatic place you can lose the ability to enjoy life, which cause the loss...
Accepting Positive Comments About Yourself:
Can you accept positive comments from others? If not, it may be directly connected to how you were brought up, what others said about you, or conclusions you decided about yourself. My goal is to take my clients through a process of ridding themself of negative...
Ridding yourself of negative thoughts:
Getting rid of negative thoughts is a process. In my sessions we go through this process and if you follow the process until it is finished then the negative thoughts are greatly reduced or gone. I have seen such great results. It is exciting to see clients who have...
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