Our Blog

Do You Love or Hate Yourself?

Some clients say they hate themselves and others say they are somewhere in between love and hate. The goal I have for any of my clients is for them to love themselves. It is in the loving of ourselves that makes us able to love others. Everyone wants to be loved...

What Is An Unreeling Session?

I use the Unreeling session in almost all of my sessions. It includes the principles of forgiveness and getting rid of the lies and accepting the truth about yourself and your situations. These principles release a person from situations and from the person or...

What is a Courts Session?

        This session is all about taking care of the generational issues in your family blood line. I do need to say that this session is about the Courts of Heaven. It should be on earth as it is in heaven. God wants your bloodline to experience all that your...

What Is An Expansion Brainspotting Session?

Expansion Brainspotting is amazing! It is a way to get to the trauma spot/capsule from a positive point of view. This way of processing causes the least amount of distress even though the trauma could be heart wrenching. In all Brainspotting it is important and very...

What is a Brainspotting Session?

I know a couple blog entries ago I talked about what a Brainspotting Practitioner is and does. Today I want to talk about a Brainspotting session in general. What I am describing is the general type of Brainspotting session. It is a simpler form of EMDR. The next blog...

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